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Robert: The White Rabbit🐇


Updated: Dec 17, 2021

In January 2020 our life changed forever when our new neighbors moved in. Here is the story.

The house next us was a carousel of constantly moving characters. So when the sweet family moved in next door, we took our time introducing ourselves and basically being neighborly. Honestly though, with kids as cute theirs, who could resist for very long?

We started to get to know our new neighbors slowly. It was mentioned that Robert built furniture, but for some reason that detail didn’t stand out to us. At the time, my husband Brent and I were doing some much needed upgrades to our home. When the time came I couldn’t possibly put old furniture in a sparkly new living room, so I went on a treasure hunt. I found this amazing TV armoire on FaceBook Market. It was perfect, with so much storage space! I contacted the seller to arrange the payment. That is when I saw their family picture. I couldn’t believe it! Off I went next door to ask if it was a piece Robert had made!!! This piece still sits in our living room and is the focal point of the room. It’s my favorite piece of furniture. This funny moment sealed our friendship with this beautiful family.

Behind every successful man is a woman pushing him from behind and the man who inspired me to start my new craft is no different. Just as I needed a good push and some motivation, so did Robert.

Robert had always been around wood working as he watched his dad spend many hours in his workshop; however his own interest in the skill didn’t grow until his wife, Ashley, gave him a hammer and told him to go build her a chicken coop! Hearing Ashley tell me this story is sweet to watch. Her eyes light up at the memory as she told me how he doubted he could pull it off. He started working and his raw talent with this beautiful medium became very apparent. Now Robert puts his skill into some of the most beautiful furniture and intricate detailed works of art.

Months flew by as I worked outside on projects for the house. Robert was outside working on his craft. I would meander over and start asking questions about how he was doing what he was doing at that moment. Instead of shooing me away, as most would, Robert took the time to teach me. It wasn’t very long before I had convinced myself that MAYBE I could give working with wood a try. I had always been crafty. The more I learned the more I was able to merge my usual crafty nature to this new set of skills. Finally, I got the courage to go forward and share it with everyone else and the idea of Little Carrious Creations was born!

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